Ancient History Articles

The Ancient world, encompassing great civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and Rome, was a time of monumental achievements in philosophy, governance, and the arts. These societies laid the foundations for modern science, democracy, and cultural practices.


The Assassination of Julius Caesar

On the Ides of March 44 BCE, one of the most famous men in history was assassinated. Julius Caesar, general and politician of the people, had risen too far. It was rumoured he wanted to be king and his very existence could ruin the Republic.


Julius Caesar's Invasion of Britain

What could possibly have encouraged the Romans to invade a land on the edge of the known world, whose 'sky is obscured by continual rain and cloud'? Surely the Romans had enough to be doing: in western Europe, they were still occupied with subduing the tribes of Gaul (modern France) and Germany, nor were they free from civil unrest at home.